Thysanoptera of Japan


Franklinothrips oblongus Masumoto & Okajima, 2019

和名: - 

本種の生態の詳細は不明だが、成虫は5~6月にスダジイやマテバシイ、テイカカズラの葉上にPalabaliothripsScirtothripsTrichromothripsが多数発生している時期に一緒に発生しており、おそらくこれらのアザミウマ幼虫などを捕食するものと思われる。本種は中国に分布するF. tangi Mirab-Balou, Shi & Chen, 2011に似るが、触角第3節が幅の8倍程度の長さ(後者では14.5倍)であることなどで識別できる。本属はアリガタシマアザミウマF. vespiformisのように腹部がふくらみ基部が狭まる種とそうでない種がいる。本種のように腹部基部が狭まらない種は熱帯アフリカに分布する1属1種のCorynothripoides属に似るが、後者は頭部が前方に強く突出しその長さは頬とほぼ同じなどの違いがある。

This species occurs on the tree leaves such as Castanopsis sieboldii, Lithocarpus edulis and Trachelospermum asiaticum together with thripid species such as Palabaliothrips brevisetosus, Scirtothrips spp. and Trichromothrips elegans. It may prey the larvae of those thrips species but their biology is not known. This species is very similar to a Chinese species F. tangi Mirab-Balou, Shi & Chen, 2011 but it can be distinguished from the latter species by antennal segemt III about 8 (vs. 14.5 in tangi) times as long as width. In this genus, the abdomen is bold and narrow at base in some species but not bold in others. Species with abdomen not bold like this species is similar to an African monotypic genus Corynothripoides Bagnall, 1926 but the latter genus has the head strongly prolonged anteriorly.

  • Female




    Female head and thorax

    2nd instar larva?